Buenos Aires Museum / MALBA
Malba - Costantini Collection, Museo de Arte Latinoamericano de Buenos Aires. This is one in the long list of museums that can be visited in Buenos Aires.
Malba’s collection focuses on art produced in Latin America during the 20th Century, and is made up of a group of over two hundred and seventy works by Argentinean and Latin American artists. It is an institutional collection that is the patrimony of the Eduardo F. Costantini Foundation.
It's situated in: Avda. Figueroa Alcorta 3415 | C1425CLA Buenos Aires, Argentina
Tel: +54 (11) 4 808 6500/6515 | Fax: +54 (11) 4 808 6598/99 | info@malba.org.ar | www.malba.org.ar
This picture of Tarsila do Amaral is part of the MALBA permanent exhibition